
2022年1月5日—Whilea301redirectindicatesthatapagehaspermanentlymovedtoanewlocation,a302redirectmeansthatthemoveisonlytemporary.Keep ...,302轉指則恰好與301相反,屬於暫時性轉址,概念比較像我們生活中因工作需要的「短期出差」或到另一個地方暫時短居,最後還是會回到家裡。302轉址通常被廣泛運用在網站 ...,2023年5月7日—當你使用301Redirect重定向網址之後,Google就會慢慢移除舊的網站,將其定義到新的網站當中,...

301 vs 302 Redirect

2022年1月5日 — While a 301 redirect indicates that a page has permanently moved to a new location, a 302 redirect means that the move is only temporary. Keep ...

301302轉址原來是這樣!一篇搞懂什麼是 ...

302 轉指則恰好與301 相反,屬於暫時性轉址,概念比較像我們生活中因工作需要的「短期出差」或到另一個地方暫時短居,最後還是會回到家裡。 302 轉址通常被廣泛運用在網站 ...

3分鐘了解301 與302 Redirect 重定向之間的差異與它們 ...

2023年5月7日 — 當你使用301 Redirect 重定向網址之後,Google 就會慢慢移除舊的網站,將其定義到新的網站當中,用新網站取代舊網站。

A Guide To 301 vs 302 Redirects For SEO

2022年3月18日 — While there are nine redirect response codes that a server can send to a browser, two are used most often: the 301 and 302 HTTP response status ...

HTTP 301 vs. 302 redirect

HTTP status code 302—a 302 redirect for short—communicates that content has been moved temporarily and that search engines need to keep the old URL in the index ...

HTTP redirect

2009年9月8日 — Status 301 means that the resource (page) is moved permanently to a new location. The client/browser should not attempt to request the ...

What Are 301 & 302 Redirections? How To Do And ...

A 301 redirect indicates that the webpage has been moved to a new location permanently. A 302 redirect means the webpage has been temporarily moved to a new ...

What Is a 301 or 302 Redirect?

The 302 tells search engines that the website is just offline temporarily, and the value of the page should remain intact rather than passed on to another URL.

What is a 301 Redirect, and When Should You Use One?

2021年8月26日 — A 301 is used when a page has permanently changed location, and a 302 should be used if you intend to move the page back under the original URL ...

When to Use a 301 Redirect vs. 302 Redirect

2020年6月30日 — A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect and directs users and search engines to the desired page for a limited amount of time until it is removed ...
